Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shhhh...Did You Hear Something?

One of the major keys to effective communication is Listening.  This is an area that many struggle in.     
Think about it:

How many times have you had a conversation with someone, and completely missed whatever it was that the other person was saying because you were waiting on your turn to speak? (Be honest)  Probably too many times to count. (:  I'm sure that we've all done it, and its quite possible that we weren't even aware of it when we did it!

It's ok.  We are only Human.

But....I do have a small request.

Please DO try this at Home (and anywhere else):

So... the next time you're having a conversation with someone, make it a point to talk less and listen more.

Trust me on this!

This simple act will transform even the most boring conversation.  Plus there's plenty of benefits involved for you (the listener)

1.)  You (the listener) single-handedly are creating a more comfortable environment for the other person.
2.)  Now that a cozy environment has been established, an element of trust has come into play.
3.)  Along with that comes respect.  Everyone respects someone that's cool, calm, collected, and doesn't feel the need to take center stage.

Try this.....It works.......Seriously

Love Your Guts! 

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